Ensure Your Critical Illness Cover Is Valid With Full Disclosure
It has come to light over the last few years that one of the major reasons Critical Illness claims can be rejected is because the policyholder did not furnish the full information pertaining to a previous illness when the initial cover was taken out. Though there can be occasions when a fraudulent claim will be made by intentionally withholding information, the main reason for this kind of rejection is mainly owing to the policy applicant being not aware that the information they considered unrelated, to their new cover was in fact relevant. And that it should have been disclosed at the inception. Feed All Relevant Information To make it certain that your life cover and critical illness protection are valid, be sure that you feed all relevant information on any illness you have experienced, no matter how minor. This comprises any investigative work or tests you have undergone, pertaining to your health; and any discussions you have had with your doctor, regarding your person...